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Kristen Bell 《Home》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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I smell that salty breeze blowing through the fjord我闻到吹过海湾的微风中淡淡的腥味I hear those creaky ships as old board meets old board我听到古老船只的甲板碰撞时发出的嘎吱作响的声音I breath in the place I live and wonder what else can I give this home我全神贯注地倾听着 思考着我可以给予这个家一些什么My home我的家Wandering through the town with everyone doing all of their stuff走过小镇,每个人都各自忙碌Somewhere in my heart I feel I've not yet done enough内心某处告诉我我仍付出得不够For these people I know, this place that I love so为了我认识的人们,为了我深爱着的土地My home这是我的家My home我的家I whistle as I walk, a lovely smell of kransekake我边走边吹着口哨,闻着kransekake(挪威千层蛋糕)的香气Walking out of the baker’s door一路走出面包店的门The merchants haggling over fish remind me I have what I wish商人们在为鱼讨价还价 这让我想到我已拥有了我想要的'Cause I'm not alone anymore因为我不再孤独I’m grateful for this castle我对这座城堡心怀感激And for everything we've got感激我们拥有的一切Especially my family特别是我的家庭We've all been through a lot我们都经历了许多I know how fragile things can be我也知道世事脆弱If I lost them, I'd lose me如果我失去了他们,我也会失去自我They're my ocean, they're my shore他们是我的海洋,他们是我的海岸I wanna give them more我想要给予他们更多They're my home他们就是我的家My home我的家Bless this happiness we found祝福我们找寻到的幸福Bless this good and solid ground保佑这片美好的土地Our home我们的家Our home (Our home)我们的家(我们共同的家)Our home (Our home)我们的家(我们共同的家)Our home我们的家Our home (Our home) Our home我们的家(我们共同的家)我们的家Our home我们的家I'm home我们的家

标签: Kristen Bell
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