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Chouchou 《蠱毒》[FLAC/MP3-320K]


Good evening晚上好Ladies and gentleman女士们先生们Welcome to the wonderland欢迎来到仙境I am the queen of your fantasy我是你幻想中的女王The queen of all your passions and desires我是你心中激情与欲望的女王I'm so thirsty我好饥渴Satisfy me with your sweet drops and drink up my poison你让我心满意足喝掉我的毒药Whisper words of love to please me轻声诉说爱意取悦我Whisper in delirium在癫狂中呢喃A never ending hallucination is永无止境的幻觉Drowning in euphoria沉浸在幸福里But don't you ever think that you can get me但你千万不要以为你可以得到我'Cause I'm a flower you can never pick因为我是一朵你永远无法摘下的花Calling touching licking and panting呼唤爱抚舔舔气喘吁吁Taste my lips with your wet fingersA black fish in a glass tank is玻璃缸里的一条黑鱼Looking at me with pity in it's eyes它的眼神流露出怜悯Fake骗子Lovers情侣Guilt内疚Sorrow悲伤Good evening ladies and gentleman晚上好女士们先生们Welcome to the wonderland欢迎来到仙境The ruby red flower is in full bloom under that full moon红宝石一般的花朵在满月之下盛开The sweet smell comes from甜香来自It's nectar to seduce all the bloody insects蜜汁诱惑着所有的昆虫Now the heaven is so close如今天堂近在咫尺Come a little closer to me so you靠近我一点Can see the heaven可以看见天堂Look at me I'm blooming into climax看看我我心潮澎湃And we'll be caught in a storm of我们会被困在The untold pleasure无法言喻的喜悦Oops excuse me不好意思Time's up时间到Next please please please下一个Bored无趣的Vain徒劳的Sweet甜蜜Toxic有毒的Fake骗子Lovers情侣Guilt内疚Sorrow悲伤Good evening晚上好

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