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Brett 《Favours》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Talking in a crowded room在一个拥挤的房间里交谈着But we don't even party anymore但我们已经不再醉心于这喧嚣之中了Everybody's watching you万众瞩目于你I always used to wonder where you go你的萍踪倩影对我有着无尽的吸引力Favours you forgotten庆幸你是个健忘的人Erase into a blur驱车驶进灯红酒绿之中Faces in the darkness黑暗里一张张模糊的面容Life we can't return生命不能回头We run through the city我们穿梭在这车水马龙中We ride on the skyline我们在天际线上书写生命Hours are forever caught in the night每时每刻在这夜晚都将成为永恒You're just an illusion你不过是一种幻觉罢了A dream interrupted一个被打断的黄粱一梦罢了And into make the talking一个象征性的红颜知己罢了Time after mine在那些被遗忘的时光里It's all a game这只是一场That people play让人们纸醉金迷的游戏罢了I call your name我用力呼唤着你的名字You turn away然后又转身离开It's all a game这只不过是浮生一梦罢了After all have settled down铅华洗尽之后And later memories are faded out少许的记忆会被遗忘You think that you're the only one你会觉得你自己举世无双Maybe it's the other way around也许这只是另一种重蹈覆辙罢了Favours you forgotten庆幸你是个健忘的人Erase into a blur驱车驶进灯红酒绿之中Faces in the darkness黑暗里的伊人倩影Life we can't return生命不能回头We run through the city我们穿梭在这车水马龙中We ride on the skyline我们在天际线上描摹万物Hours are forever caught in the night每时每刻在这夜晚都将成为永恒You're just an illusion你不过是一种幻觉罢了A dream interrupted一个被打断的黄粱一梦罢了And into make the talking一个象征性的红颜知己罢了Time after mine在那些被遗忘的时光里It's all a game这只是一个让人们That people play醉生梦死的工具罢了I call your name我用力呼唤着你的名字You turn away然后又转身离开It's all a game这只是一场游戏罢了We run through the city我们穿梭在这车水马龙中We ride on the skyline我们在天际线上描摹万物Hours are forever caught in the night每时每刻在这夜晚都将成为永恒You're just an illusion你不过是一种幻觉罢了A dream interrupted一个被打断的黄粱一梦罢了And into make the talking一个象征性的红颜知己罢了Time after mine在那些被遗忘的时光里It's all a game这只是一个让人们That people play醉生梦死的工具罢了I call your name我用力呼唤你的名字You turn away然后又转身离开It's all a game这只是一场让人们That people play纸醉金迷的游戏罢了I call your name我用力呼唤你的名字You turn away然后又转身离开

标签: Brett
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