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Katy Perry 《Never Worn White》[MP3-320K/8.8M]

Catherine 2分钟前

You love the Hell out of me你爱我灵魂深处的地狱And Heaven's where we could be而天堂就是我们所要去向之处I've stood on the edge of love我曾站在爱情的悬崖之上But never took the leap但我没有纵身而跃And you took my armor off是你卸下了我的盔甲And did it delicately如此称心合意And I let my guard down所以我也放下了我的心墙To show you what's underneath向你展示我内心深处的一切Thank God that you were man enough to come感谢上帝 你就是那个足够Answer my mamma's prayers回应我母亲的祈祷的男人You asked the question I said "Yes"你终于抛出了那个问题 而我会说我愿意But I'm scared但我恐惧着'Cause I've never worn white因为我从未穿上洁白的婚纱But I wanna get it right但我想要让一切完美无缺Yeah I really wanna try with you这一次我真的想要与你共度No I've never worn white我从未穿上过洁白的婚纱But I'm standin' here tonight但今夜我不会离开'Cause I really wanna say "I do"因为我真的想要告诉你 我愿意I do我愿意See us in sixty years with a full family tree去想象六十年之后 我们硕果累累的家庭树I do我愿意Give my blood sweat and tears to reach our destiny为了成就我们的注定 我已付出了无数血汗、泪I do我愿意'Cause love is a minefield let's take this war baby因为爱如危机四伏的雷区 亲爱的 请和我一同走过I do我愿意'Cause at the end of it all I choose you and you choose me因为在故事的尽头 你选择了我 我也选择了你余生共度I do我愿意Thank God I was woman enough to come感谢上帝 你就是那个足够Answer your father's prayers回应我父亲的祈祷的男人You asked the question你终于抛出了那一个问题I could tell you were scared我感受你现在也如我一般不安惴惴'Cause I've never worn white因为我从未穿上过洁白的婚纱But I wanna get it right但我想要让一切完美无缺Yeah I really wanna try with you这一次我真的想要与你尝试No I've never worn white我从未穿上过洁白的婚纱But I'm standin' here tonight但今夜我不会离开'Cause I really wanna say "I do"因为我真的想要告诉你 我愿意Now let's dance with each other现在我们共舞一曲Mixin' all of our colors让我们斑斓的色彩交叠It's so easy to surrender当你终于找到了一生的永恒When you finally find forever要说放弃如此容易No I've never worn white no但我从未穿上过洁白的婚纱But I really wanna try with you但这一次我想要为你尝试Yeah I've never worn white从未穿上过洁白的婚纱But I wanna get it right但我想要让一切完美无缺'Cause you really wanna say "I do"因为我真的想要告诉你 我愿意'Cause I do因为这就是我的心之所向Oh I do yeah yeah我愿意I do我愿意

标签: Katy Perry