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James Carter Nevve 《Hands in the Fire》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Hands in the Fire - James Carter Nevve
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  1. 1 Hands in the Fire James Carter Nevve

There's a cutthroat hurricane仿佛一场猛烈的飓风Comin' down on my brain席卷过我的大脑Gonna jump and hit first我上蹿下跳 遭受打击Got our backs against the wall我背靠着墙'Till we fly or we fall直到情况好转 或者彻底绝望We get off on the hurt我们苦中作乐Hands in the fire ooh摩拳擦掌F**k the pain we don't take it slow直面痛苦 我们不会放慢脚步Feed the flames we just wanna go higher浴火重生 我们只是想爬得更高Hands in the fire摩拳擦掌Smoke and ash and broken glass are what we're used to浓烟 灰烬 破碎的玻璃 这些东西我们早就习以为常OoohHands in the fire摩拳擦掌Hear it now we're breaking out until we burn through听好了 我们要爆发了 直到我们化为灰烬Me and you我和你一起Hands in the fire woh摩拳擦掌Hands in the fire woh摩拳擦掌Hands in the fire woh摩拳擦掌All the loss inside my mind失去的一切我都记得Trading water for wine用汗水换取成功Falling flat on my face房屋在我眼前倒塌And if just let it go away如果我们就这样放手We could be royalty we could be kings我们可以成为皇族 我们可以成为王者Pouring the gasoline onto the flames yeah把汽油倒在火焰上Hands in the fire ooh摩拳擦掌F**k the pain we don't take it slow直面痛苦 我们不会放慢脚步Feed the flames we just wanna go higher浴火重生 我们只是想爬得更高Hands in the fire摩拳擦掌Smoke and ash and broken glass are what we're used to浓烟 灰烬 破碎的玻璃 这些东西我们早就习以为常OoohHands in the fire摩拳擦掌Hear it now we're breaking out until we burn through听好了 我们要爆发了 直到我们化为灰烬Me and you我和你一起Hands in the fire woh摩拳擦掌Hands in the fire woh摩拳擦掌Hands in the fire摩拳擦掌Smoke and ash and broken glass are what we're used to浓烟 灰烬 破碎的玻璃 这些东西我们早就习以为常OoohHands in the fire摩拳擦掌Hear it now we're breaking out until we burn through听好了 我们要爆发了 直到我们化为灰烬Me and you我和你一起Hands in the fire woh摩拳擦掌

标签: Nevve James Carter
查看歌手音乐: James Carter Nevve