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Christina Aguilera 《Fighter》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

阿jie 9分钟前

After all that you put me through经过了所有那些你曾对我做的事You think I'd despise you你或许觉得我会瞧不起你But in the end I wanna thank you但是到最后 我会想要感谢你'Cause you've made me因为是你让我变得That much stronger如此坚强Well I thought I knew you是说 我曾以为我很懂你Thinkin' that you were true曾经以为 你的一切都是真实的Guess I  I couldn't trust我想我 还不敢相信Called your bluff time is up你是个骗子'Cause I've had enough但是时间到了 因为我已经受够了You were there by my side你曾经 一直站在我这边Always down for the ride一直以来 为我赴汤蹈火But your joy ride just came down in flames但是 给你搭的便车最后也只能燃烧成灰烬'Cause your greed sold me out in shame因为是你的贪心把我送进了耻辱的渊源中After all of the stealing and cheating you经过了你所有的剥夺和欺骗Probably think that你可能还以为I hold resentment for you我对你还有所憎恨But uh uh  oh no  you're wrong不过呢 噢不 你错了'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do因为要不是所有那些你曾试着对我做的事I wouldn't know我根本不会知道Just how capable I am to pull through我在危机中忍耐的极限是到哪里So I wanna say thank you所以我想要跟你说声谢谢'Cause it因为你Makes me that much stronger让我变得如此地坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我懂得要再努力点It makes me that much wiser让我变得那么地理智So thanks for making me a fighter所以感谢你让我成为了 斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学得更再迅速些Made my skin a little bit thicker让我磨练皮肤粗厚点Makes me that much smarter让我变得那么地聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以感谢你让我成为了 斗士Never saw it coming从没 想过会有这么一天All of your backstabbing所有 你对我的背后插针Just so you could cash in on a good thing是说 你还可以继续利用我们的善心Before I'd realize your game直到我意识到你的游戏I heard you're going round听说 现在你还在争辩Playing the victim now玩弄 无辜的受害者们But don't even begin feeling但是 甚至连一点罪恶都别想嫁祸到我身上I'm the one to blame因为葬身之地'Cause you dug your own grave是你自己造就出来的After all of the fights and the lies经过了一切的征战以及谎言'Cause you're wanting to haunt me我猜想你还会继续来伤害我But that won't work anymore  no more不过你再也不能了 再也不行It's over一切都结束了'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture因为要不是所有你曾给的那些折磨I wouldn't know how to be this way now我还不会知道要像现在这样来保护自己And never back down而且我再也不会退缩So I wanna say thank you所以我想要跟你说声谢谢'Cause it因为你Makes me that much stronger让我变得如此地坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我懂得要再努力点It makes me that much wiser让我变得那么地理智So thanks for making me a fighter所以感谢你让我成为了 斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学得更再迅速些Made my skin a little bit thicker让我磨练皮肤粗厚点Makes me that much smarter让我变得那么地聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以感谢你让我成为了 斗士How could this man I thought I knew我曾以为我很了解的男人Turn out to be unjust so cruel曾几何时变得如此的残酷Could only see the good in you只能看见你的好Pretend not to see the truth还要假装看不见一切真相You tried to hide your lies你试着想要隐瞒你一切的谎言Disguise yourself生活在一个充满欺瞒的世界里Through living in denial来伪装你自己But in the end you'll see但到了最后你会发现You won't stop me你摧毁不了我的意志I am a fighter and I我是个斗士I ain't gonna stop我不会停止征战There is no turning back没有可以回头的路了I've had enough我已经受够了这一切Makes me that much stronger让我变得如此地坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我懂得要再努力点It makes me that much wiser让我变得那么地理智So thanks for making me a fighter所以感谢你让我成为了 斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学得更再迅速些Made my skin a little bit thicker让我磨练皮肤粗厚点Makes me that much smarter让我变得那么地聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以感谢你让我成为了 斗士You thought I would forget以为我会忘记But I remembered才怪 我还记得'Cause I remembered没错 我还记得I remembered我还记得You thought I would forget以为我会忘记I remembered我还记得'Cause I remembered没错 我还记得I remembered我还记得Makes me that much stronger让我变得如此地坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我懂得要再努力点It makes me that much wiser让我变得那么地理智So thanks for making me a fighter所以感谢你让我成为了 斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学得更再迅速些Made my skin a little bit thicker让我磨练皮肤粗厚点Makes me that much smarter让我变得那么地聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以感谢你让我成为了 斗士

标签: Christina Aguilera