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Dre'es MIA 《Warm》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Warm - Dre'es MIA
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  1. 1 Warm Dre'es MIA

While we lay in diamonds当我们徜徉在星光璀璨之间On a faraway island in a blissful silence在遥远的小岛上沉浸在幸福里 惬意自在You and I can you and I can你与我一起 你与我一起Fall in love fall in love坠入爱河 坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河All we got is a bag in the backseat后座上放着我们仅有的行囊And this love we share not shabby at all我们尽情享受爱情 心满意足But the fact is we moving too fast可事实上 我们之间的进展太快了But the thought passed me可这个念头转瞬即逝When I got lost inside of your eyes当我在你的双眸里迷失自我Cliché to say but it's too true尽管这是陈词滥调 可这是我的真情实意Picking up dandys精心打扮 魅力四射You always wanted a dandy man you did你希望遇见一位万人迷 你如愿以偿Not a candy man I don't sugarcoat nothin'我并非英俊潇洒 我不会讲甜言蜜语Extra cash come in handy多准备一些钱总会派上用场Good thing we saved up extra在我们决定离开家以前Before we ran away from home幸好我们攒下了不少钱We gotta go我们立刻启程While we lay in diamonds当我们徜徉在星光璀璨之间On a faraway island in a blissful silence在遥远的小岛上沉浸在幸福里 惬意自在You and I can you and I can你与我一起 你与我一起Fall in love fall in love坠入爱河 坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河I know we got our love in the backseat我知道我们在后排座位上情深缱绻That's where we met when I told you我们在此相遇 当我向你吐露心声I can't meet it all这表明我无法满足现状Found out people 'cause I'm afraid they might say我害怕听见别人的闲言碎语We have been tryin' take it all我们一直试图从容面对Moving fast but I wanna go faster马不停蹄 可我不会就此满足Little afraid it'll be a disaster一点点害怕会成为心腹之患But I know that I don't wanna crash without you可我知道没有你我心如止水You're the one that makes me come alive你是那个让我充满活力的人I never thought it'd come to我从未期待过Something that was so new令我孜孜不倦Something that was so true多么情真意切I can't let it go我不能放任自流You hold no lies你不再骗我You speak what's on your mind你直言不讳 吐露心声You speak in different times你时时刻刻 不断倾诉You speak in my language language你用我可以理解的话语诉说The love and the anguish anguish爱意与痛苦Forever and the end the end天长地久和难以为继But I don't wanna think about it可我不愿胡思乱想Think about it think about it浮想联翩 殚精竭虑Got the money and the time c'mon let's spend it拥有足够的金钱和充裕的时间 让我们尽情放纵Don't you pretend we ain't s**t without it你别装作我们一无是处的样子World ain't nothin' if we both ain't in it没有我们的世界将无足轻重Holdin' hands so hold my hand牵起我的手 请紧紧握住我的手Hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand十指相扣 永不松开When we're laying down当我们徜徉在星光璀璨之间It's on a faraway island in a blissful silence在遥远的小岛上沉浸在幸福里 惬意自在You and I can you and I can你与我一起 你与我一起Fall in love fall in love坠入爱河 坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Holdin' hands so hold my hand牵起我的手 请紧紧握住我的手Hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand十指相扣 永不松开Lay in diamonds徜徉在星光璀璨之间Faraway island遥远的小岛Blissful silence沉浸在幸福里 惬意自在Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河It's on a faraway island in a blissful silence在遥远的小岛上沉浸在幸福里 惬意自在While we lay in diamonds当我们徜徉在星光璀璨之间On a faraway island in a blissful silence在遥远的小岛上沉浸在幸福里 惬意自在You and I can you and I can你与我一起 你与我一起Fall in love fall in love坠入爱河 坠入爱河Fall in love坠入爱河

标签: MIA Drees
查看歌手音乐: Dre'es MIA
 Dre'es MIA 《Warm》[FLAC/MP3-320K]