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Nick Glennie-Smith 《We Are One》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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We Are One - Nick Glennie-Smith
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  1. 1 We Are One Nick Glennie-Smith

Simba:As you go through life you'll see走在人生路上,你很容易发现There is so much that we我们的生活中有很多Don't understand未解的谜题And the only thing we know我们只能确定一件事Is things don't always go人生百态The way we planned我们的计划永远赶不上变化But you'll see everyday但随着时间推移,你会明白That we'll never turn away我们的陪伴一直都在When it seems all your dreams come undone在你觉得梦想几乎破灭的时候We will stand by your side我们会一直支持你Filled with hope and filled with pride心存希望与荣耀We are more than we are我们的关系非比寻常We are one我们是一家人Kiara:If theres so much I must be如果我的未来必须肩挑重担Can't I still just be me那我还能做回真正的自己吗The way i am?我还能保持自己的初心吗?Can I trust in my own heart我还能听从自己的直觉吗Or am i just one part还是说我只是某个宏图伟业的Of some big plan?一部分Simba:Even those who are gone那些逝去的英灵Are with us as we go on会陪着我们继续这段路途Your jouney has only begun你的旅程才刚刚开始Tears of pain tears of joy泪水中有喜也有悲One thing can destory只有一样东西无法被摧毁Is our pride deep inside那是我们内心深处的荣耀We are one护佑我们的一脉相承We are one you and I你和我是一家人We are like earth and sky如同天与地的组合One family under the sun艳阳底下幸福的一家人All the wisdon to lead领袖的智慧All the courge that you need以及你所需的勇气You will find when you see终会浮现,只要你能明白We are one我们是不折不扣的一家人

标签: Nick Glennie Smith
查看歌手音乐: Nick Glennie-Smith