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Secret Garden 《The Things You Are To Me》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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If I held in my hand,即使自最初一刻every grain of sand,便紧握手心中的Since time first began to be,每一粒记忆之沙Still, I could never count,我仍然无法计算measure the amount,并估量出Of all the things you are to me,你在我生命中的全部意义If I could paint the sky,如果我能以天作画hang it out to dry,让风凝固此刻的希冀I would want the sky to be我所期许的天际是Oh,such a grand design,一件无与伦比的杰作an everlasting sign,一处永垂不朽的神迹Of all the things you are to me.你便是我生命的全部意义You are the song你是盛夏中that comes on summer winds,随风而来的鸟鸣You are the falling year你是深秋中that autumn brings;萧瑟的似水流年You are the wonder你是我眼中and the mystery所有的奇迹In everything I see与奥秘the things you are to me.你是我生命的意义Sometimes,I wake at night,有时半夜苏醒suddenly take fright,突然害怕You might be just fantasy,这不过是场游园惊梦But then you reach for me但当你伸手搂住我时and once again I see,让我再次感受到All the things you are to me.你是我生命的全部意义You are the song你是盛夏中that comes on summer winds,随风而来的鸟鸣You are the falling year你是深秋中that autumn brings;萧瑟的似水流年You are the wonder你是我眼中and the mystery所有的奇迹In everything I see与奥秘the things you are to me.你是我生命的意义You are the song你是盛夏中that comes on summer winds,随风而来的鸟鸣You are the falling year你是深秋中that autumn brings;萧瑟的似水流年You are the wonder你是我眼中and the mystery所有的奇迹In everything I see与奥秘the things you are to me.你是我生命的意义All the things you are to me.你是我生命的全部意义

标签: Secret Garden