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My Chemical Romance 《I Don't Love You》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Well, when you go好吧,你离开的那一刻So never think I'll make you try to stay绝对别想我会让你尝试留下And maybe when you get back或许等你回来的时候I'll be off to find another way我已经解脱,去寻找另外一种活法And after all this time that you still owe然而这么久以来是你亏欠了我You're still the good-for-nothing I don’t know你是否依然一无是处,我不知道So take your gloves off and get out所以你狠下心走吧Better get out最好快走While you can趁你还有机会的时候When you go你离开时Would you even turn to say你是否会转身对我说I don't love you我不像从前那样Like I did再爱Yesterday你了Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading有时候我因争辩而痛哭So sick and tired of all the needless beating也已厌倦那些无常的打击But baby when they knock you但亲爱的,当它们捶击你Down and out让你遍体鳞伤时Is where you oughta stay也许那才是你应经历的成长And after all the blood that you still owe在所有的鲜血流尽后你依然亏欠了我Another dollar's just another blow再次放手一搏不过是新的一次挥霍So fix your eyes and get up所以睁开你的眼睛醒来吧Better get up最好醒过来While you can在你还可以的时候Whoa, whoa醒啊,快醒来呀你When you go当你离开时Would you even turn to say你是否还会转过来对我说I don't love you我不再Like I did像以往那般Yesterday爱你了Come on,come on来吧,说出来啊啊啊When you go当你离开时Would you have the guts to say你是否还有勇气对我说I don't love you我不像Like I loved you之前Yesterday-ay-ay AhAh那样爱你了啊喂I don't love you我不再像Like I loved you不再像Yesterday-昨日ay-我爱你那样aaay爱你了I don't love you我再也不像Like I loved you我曾经那样YESTERDAY深爱着你了