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Rod Stewart 《Young Turks》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

~心想事成~ 0分钟前

Billy left his home with a dollarBilly口袋里揣满了钱离开了家In his pocket and a head full of dreams他有很多梦想He said somehow  some way他说无论何种方式It's gotta get better than this都会比这样更好Patti packed her bagsPatti收拾了她的行李Left a note for her momma给妈妈留下了便签She was just seventeen她只有十七岁There were tears in her eyes她的眼中有泪水When she kissed her little sister goodbye当她吻别自己的妹妹时They held each other tight as她们紧紧拥抱对方They drove on through他们开车上路The night they were so exited夜晚里他们很兴奋We got but one shot of life我们只有短暂的一生Let's take it while we're still not afraid当我们不害怕的时候就接受它Because life is so brief因为人生短暂And time is a thief when you're undecided当你无法做决定的时候时间是小偷And like a fistful of sand就像一把沙子It can slip right through your hands可以从你的手中溜走Young hearts be free tonight年轻的心今晚得到自由Time is on your side时间在你身边Don't let them put you down不要让他们打倒你Don't let 'em push you around不要让他们推着你Don't let 'em ever change your point of view不要让他们改变你的想法Paradise was closed天堂已经关门So they headed for the coast他们出发去海岸In a blissful manner用充满喜悦的方式They took a tworoom apartment他们住进公寓That was jumping ev'ry night of the week每周的晚上都疯狂Happiness was found找到了快乐In each other's arms as expected  yeah在彼此的怀抱里Billy pierced his earsBilly给耳朵打耳洞Drove a pickup like a lunatic  ooh像疯子一样开着小卡车Young hearts be free tonight年轻的心今晚获得自由Time is on your side时间在你身旁Don't let them put you down不要让他们打倒你Don't let 'em push you around不要让他们推着你Don't let 'em ever change your point of view不要让他们改变你的想法Young hearts be free tonight年轻的心今晚获得自由Time is on your side时间在你身旁Billy wrote a letter back homeBilly给家里写了一封信To Patti's parents tryin' to explain对Patti的父母解释He said we're both real sorry他说我们都很抱歉That it had to turn out this way用这种方式离开很艰难But there ain't no point in talking但是谈论这已无意义When there's nobody list'ning so we just ran away当没有任何计划时我们就离开Patti gave birth to a ten pound baby boy  yeahPatti生了一个十斤的宝贝Young hearts be free tonight  time is on your side年轻的心今晚获得自由,时间在你身旁Young hearts be free tonight  time is on your side年轻的心今晚获得自由,时间在你身旁Young hearts be free tonight  time in on your side年轻的心今晚获得自由,时间在你身旁Young hearts gotta run free  be free  live free年轻的心要自由奔跑,生活Time is on  time is on your side时间在你身旁Time  time  time  time is on your side时间在你身旁Is on your side在你身旁Is on your side在你身旁Young heart be free tonight年轻的心今晚获得自由Tonight  tonight  tonight  tonight yeah今晚

标签: Rod Stewart