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希林娜依·高 《阿莫希林》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

╭多拉能不能没有A梦 1秒前
阿莫希林 - 希林娜依·高
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 阿莫希林 希林娜依·高

拥挤的车 流穿梭运送着单调冷漠透支着身体在找寻快乐生活的漂浮者对的错的 每个人都装了如簧巧舌像个魔术师研习蛊惑 骗到自己信了有人想过要摆脱而贪恋是绳索吞颗阿莫西林 我亲手杀死诱惑And it healed meHealed meWhere the pain in my chest wasThere's a heartbeat againAnd it's bringing me upHealed meHealed meWhere the pain in my chest wasThere's a capsule insteadAnd it's bringing me up笑的底色 是尽力而为后仍有青涩恋人们拥抱着街角告别时间并未结果黑的白的 每个人在坚持无谓执着像个倒吊人在颠倒本末渐渐迷失自我And it healed meHealed meWhere the pain in my chest wasThere's a heartbeat againAnd it's bringing me upHealed meHealed meWhere the pain in my chest wasThere's a capsule insteadAnd it's bringing me upI think I'll be OKI know I'll be OKEverything 'll be OKAnd it's bringing me up随欲所获却无法仰仗它慰藉寂寞试着像吞了一颗糖果用它医好了我的快乐And it healed meHealed meWhere the pain in my chest wasThere's a heartbeat againAnd it's bringing me upHealed meHealed meWhere the pain in my chest wasThere's a capsule insteadAnd it's bringing me upI think I'll be OKI know I'll be OKEverything 'll be OKAnd it's bringing me upI think I'll be OKI know I'll be OKEverything 'll be OKAnd it's bringing me up

标签: 希林娜依 高