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齐豫 《Annie's Song》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Annie's Song - 齐豫
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  1. 1 Annie's Song 齐豫

You fill up my senses你填满我的心扉Like a night in a forest像是森林的夜晚Like the mountains in springtime像是春天的群山Like a walk in the rain像是雨中的漫步Like a storm in the desert像是荒漠的风暴Like a sleepy blue ocean像是沉睡的海洋You fill up my senses你填满我的心扉Come fill me again再来满足我吧Come let me love you来,让我来爱你Let me give my life to you让我付出我的生命Let me drown in your laughter让我溺死在你的笑声中Let me die in your arms让我死在你的怀里Let me lay down beside you让我死在你的身边Let me always be with you让我永远跟你在一起Come let me love you来,让我来爱你Come love me again再来满足我吧So come let me love you来,让我来爱你Let me give my life to you让我付出我的生命Let me drown in your laughter让我溺死在你的笑声中Let me die in your arms让我死在你的怀里Let me lay down beside you让我死在你的身边Let me always be with you让我永远跟你在一起Come let me love you来,让我来爱你Come love me again再来满足我吧You fill up my senses你填满我的心扉Like a night in a forest像是森林的夜晚Like the mountains in springtime像是春天的群山Like a walk in the rain像是雨中的漫步Like a storm in the desert像是荒漠的风暴Like a sleepy blue ocean像是沉睡的海洋You fill up my senses你填满我的心扉Come fill me again再来满足我吧

标签: 齐豫