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Bird York 《In The Deep》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

王德发小李 28分钟前

Thought you had你已经想到了All the answers to所有的答案Rest your heart upon让你的心稍作休息But something happens don't但有些事发生了See it coming  now并没有看到它的到来You can't stop yourself你无法阻止你自己Now you're out there swimming现在,你在那游荡In the deep在深处In the deep在深处Life keeps tumbling your heart in circles生活让你操尽了心Till you直到有你Let go让它去吧Till you直到有你She'd your pride and you climb to heaven她为你骄傲,然而你走向天堂And you throw yourself off但你迷失了自己Now you're out there spinning现在,你在那旋转In the deep在深处In the deep在深处In the deep在深处In the deep在深处And now you're out there spinning现在,你在那旋转And now you're out there swimming现在,你在那游荡In the deep在深处In the deep在深处In the deep在深处In the deep在深处

标签: Bird York
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