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Calum Scott Jasmine Thompson 《love is just a word》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

唇齿间的爱情、俄不要。 0分钟前
love is just a word - Calum Scott Jasmine Thompson
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  1. 1 love is just a word Calum Scott Jasmine Thompson

Jasmine Thompson:Love there's nothing more to say亲爱的 无需多言Every words already been written一言一句已经书写满篇Every chord already played每段和弦已经演奏完毕You make everything make sense你让一切都变得意义非凡Every melody hits different每段旋律都与众不同Every line and sentiment每句话语和每段感情Sounds brand new听起来都焕然一新After you遇见你之后Purple rain is only rain without you倘若没有你 浪漫紫雨只是濛濛细雨而已Yesterday is just another day昨日只是普通的一天而已Hallelujah is an old song by an old man in a suit哈利路亚是一首由身着礼服的老人演唱的歌And I guess love is just a word我想 倘若没有你Without you爱只是个微不足道的文字而已Calum Scott:Trust is something you can't fake信任就是你无法弄虚作假的东西It's so delicate and fragile信任是如此微妙又脆弱And it's something you can't break信任是你无法摧毁的东西They call it luck it's something you can't makе人们称之为幸运 这就是你无法创造的东西It's a falling star you catch and then you hope to God it stays这就是映入你眼帘的流星 你希望一切停留此刻And you caught me and I caught you我们邂逅彼此 心意相通Jasmine Thompson/Calum Scott:Purplе rain is only rain without you倘若没有你 浪漫紫雨只是濛濛细雨而已Yesterday is just another day昨日只是普通的一天而已Hallelujah is an old song by an old man in a suit哈利路亚是一首由身着礼服的老人演唱的歌And I guess love is just a word我想 倘若没有你Without you爱只是个微不足道的文字而已I'm half the man I'm supposed to be我与我理想中的样子略逊一筹Only one more thing to say还有一件事要说出口I fall in love more every day我对你的爱与日俱增When I'm with you当我与你一起There's nowhere else I'd rather be我只想待在你身边You're everything I need你就是我需要的一切The better part of me让我变成更好的自己Purple rain is only rain without you倘若没有你 浪漫紫雨只是濛濛细雨而已Yesterday is just another day昨日只是普通的一天而已Hallelujah is an old song by an old man in a suit哈利路亚是一首由身着礼服的老人演唱的歌And I guess love is just a word我想 倘若没有你Without you爱只是个微不足道的文字而已And I guess love is just a word我想 倘若没有你Without you爱只是个微不足道的文字而已You there's nothing more to say你啊 无需多言Every word's already been written一言一句已经书写满篇Every chord already played每段和弦已经演奏完毕
