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Sik World 《Several Years》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Lately, all I feel is pain近来,我能感受到了尽是苦痛Feels like my heart doesn't beat the same我的心跳已不是原来的节奏I wanna give up and I just feel stuck in a life that I know I cannot change我想要放弃,被困在无法改变的生活中I'm really lonely and feel drained很孤独,很无力Sometimes I feel like a mistake有时觉得这就是个错误I just sit and dwell in my trauma, my life's full of problems, I feel like I might break浸于创伤,充满矛盾,随时崩溃Try to move on, but I just can't试着继续前行,我做不到Breakdown after breakdown崩溃又崩溃And, somedays, I wish I could run away just to escape and feel at ease even if it means one day有些日子,我希望可以逃离,哪怕是一天Where did my life go wrong?我的生活是从哪开始脱轨的I was a happy teen and now I'm in the dark曾经是一个快乐的少年,现在我陷入了黑暗Who's sad as hell and always at a loss是谁悲伤得要死,总是不知所措No one could tell I'm drowning in my thoughts没人能说出,唯独我一人沉浸在消极的想法中I'm still lost tryna find purposе我仍然迷茫着,想找出因果After all these yеars, I'm still searching这些年,一直在寻找中Hope you forgive me for being a burden希望你原谅我是一个负担Self-love is still something that I'm learning学着自爱And I know I lie when I tell you I'm fine我自己清楚“我没事”是一句假话'Cause nobody knows I'm struggling inside只因无人问我粥可温Sorry if you see me cry如果你看到了我哭泣,很抱歉It's just I finally realized最终我明白了It's been several years这几年Since I felt okay自从我觉得这没什么I'm losing my way and就失去了前进的道路It's been several years很多年了Since I've been on meds即使我一直在吃药I still feel depressed and但我仍旧感到抑郁It's been several years很多年了Since I felt alive即使我仍旧能感受到自己的存在There's no tears to cry and欲哭无泪It's been several years很多年了Since I had a friend即使我仍旧拥有朋友That came and went来来往往Lately, I feel so depressed近来,我感到低沉Tried to get help, but I'm still a mess尝试寻求帮助,但还是一团糟I don't ever rest, I guess I'm stressed我不休息,我猜压力是必需品吧Got my head down, hands gripping on my neck我低下头,双手紧抓着脖子Did I take my last breath?刚才是最后的呼吸吗Did I walk my last step?刚才是我走的最后一步吗I'm alive, but inside I am dead表面上我活着,但我的内心其实已死Look, I lied, I'm not fine 'cause my mind is a wreck看吧,我撒谎了,我很不好,因为我的精神崩溃了I saw pictures of me in elementary我看到了小学时的照片I don't remember teachers ever telling me我不记得老师曾经告诉过我I'd be an adult who senses people's energy我会成为一个能够感知人们正能量的成年人Being an impact, attract souls who lack empathy做一个有影响力的人,吸引那些缺乏同理心的人When I look back, my past brings back bad memories当我回首往事时,总是勾起不好的回忆Plus, it's so bad, I had to withstand everything而且,这太糟糕了,我必须承受一切I felt my last ex thought, you stand next to me我感觉到我最后的前任在想,你就站在我身边You stabbed my back and that hurt me bad mentally你刺伤了我的心,这让我精神上很受伤It definitely changed me, but I forgive you这确实改变了我,但我原谅你I understand now that you had your own issues我现在明白了,你有你自己的问题Your fear of abandonment really convinced you你对被遗弃的恐惧确信无疑That you weren't enough of the love I would give you你说我给你的爱还不够I tried, but I broke myself tryna fix you我试过了,但为你,我毁了自己And now I feel hurt that you couldn't commit to现在我为你不能遵守承诺而感到伤心Me or the love I would give you我或者我给你的爱Nobody knows what I've been through没人知道我经历了什么It's been several years很多年了Since I felt okay自从我觉得这没什么I'm losing my way and就失去了前进的道路It's been several years很多年了Since I've been on meds即使我一直在吃药I still feel depressed and但我仍旧感到抑郁It's been several years很多年了Since I felt alive即使我仍旧能感受到自己的存在There's no tears to cry and欲哭无泪It's been several years很多年了Since I had a friend即使我仍旧拥有朋友That came and went来来往往

标签: Sik World
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