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Eric Enn

gnash Annika Wells 《granola bars》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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granola bars - gnash Annika Wells
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 granola bars gnash Annika Wells

Hello, the Sun is comin' up in Yellowstone

你好啊 黄石公园里旭日东升

See it on our Apple TV

在Apple TV上 观赏这美景

I don't know how it happened but it happened to me

不懂这一切是怎么回事 但我身上确有其事

From fishin' with my cat to MTV on repeat

从和猫猫钓鱼 到看MTV不换台

But I had a dream last night, we'd never beamed so bright

但昨晚我做了一个梦 我们从未如此闪耀

We were swimmin' in the sea at night


All we needed was a theme song


Peanut butter and somebody I could lean on if

花生酱 和我可以依靠的人 如果

Another Saturday night


I get a little less higher


26 years old


But already wanna retire


I'm so sick of this house, stuck on this couch

我住够了这套房子 却困在沙发上

Let's set it on fire


If outta nowhere, what if I said

不知这想法从何而来 但我提议

Let's leave our plans at home and get out of the city

让我们把计划留在家里 出城去

Sit on the hood of my 2000 E350

坐在我2000 E350的引擎盖上

We'll split granola bars and dance 'til we get dizzy

我俩分吃格兰诺拉燕麦棒 舞到眩晕

I'm going nowhere, are you coming with me?

我哪儿也不去 你要跟我一道吗?

You ever been to every national park

每个国家公园 你都去过吗

Sleeping under the stars?


Can't say that I have


Make a plan, grab a map, we can camp

做个计划 拿张地图 露营走起

Listening to Bon Iver in the car

在车里 听着Bon Iver的歌

I'd trade my house, my clothes and my friends, my shoes

我愿意卖掉房子 衣服 朋友和鞋子

Anything to end up anywhere with you

做任何事 都要和你随时随地在一起

I go outside and panic, can't usually stand it

我走到外面就心慌意乱 时常难以忍受

But even when I'm freaking out, you make it romantic

但即使在我害怕的时候 你也让可怖的事变浪漫

Head to CVS and we can pick me out a pair of socks


Water, coffee, and a couple of bags of Nature Valley bars

水 咖啡 还有几袋自然谷巧克力棒

Hide under a blanket when it's raining with the cats and dogs


Speaking languages only we know


Where do we go next?


'Cause all that I know is


I don't wanna do this alone


Wherever we go


Whenever I'm with you, I'm home

只要和你在一起 我就像置身温暖的港湾

Let's leave our plans at home and get out of the city

让我们把计划留在家里 出城去

Sit on the hood of my 2000 E350

坐在我2000 E350的引擎盖上

We'll split granola bars and dance 'til we get dizzy

我俩分吃格兰诺拉燕麦棒 舞到眩晕

I'm going nowhere, are you coming with me?

我哪儿也不去 你要跟我一道吗?

To Arizona where we'll get lost in the desert

去亚利桑那州 在那里我们会在沙漠中迷路

Skip Colorado 'cause we only brought one sweatshirt

别去科罗拉多了 毕竟我们只带了一件运动衫

Hit every diner Guy Fieri said was shitty


I'm going nowhere, are you coming with me?

我哪儿也不去 你要跟我一道吗?

Are you, are you coming, coming?

你在哪儿 你来了 来了吗?

Wish upon a comet, comet


This card'll make me vomit, darling

亲爱的 这张牌真让人心塞

I'm going nowhere, are you coming with me?

我哪儿也不去 你要跟我一道吗?

Another Saturday night we probably won't remember

又到了周六晚 我们可能都记不清了

Eating Trader Joe's rice in a one-bath rental

在租来的一间浴室里 吃着Trader Joe牌米饭

What if I left right now?


Well if I do, you would miss me

如果我这么做了 你会想我的

I'm going nowhere, are you coming with me?

我哪儿也不去 你要跟我一道吗?

查看歌手音乐: gnash Annika Wells