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Fenne Lily 《Lights Light Up》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Lights Light Up - Fenne Lily
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Lights Light Up Fenne Lily

It took a lot of me to get back up from sleeping

几经周折 才从睡梦中醒来

All my weight, the pressure and the floor

我的全部重量 压力与地板

There isn’t more in a waking day than dreaming

清醒的日子 也只得活在梦乡

Or so I thought


You came to me at the speed of a bad decision

你匆匆赶来找我 不算好决定

Just the speed, the bad not so much

可匆匆赶来 其实没那么坏

We held each other while everything burned up ‘round us

我们拥抱彼此 周遭一切都化为灰烬

And inside of me, too


That’s called love


The traffic lights light up as we stand kissing

我们伫立着拥吻 不顾交通灯亮起

And the car horns play along


And though the sign says stop and look and listen

尽管标牌上写着停下来 看一看 听一听

We don’t do that shit anymore


And he said so do you ever wanna leave here

他问 你想不想离开这里

And she said well that depends on the day

她答 那要看是哪一天

And he said oh do you even wanna be here

他问 你到底想不想待在这里

And she said well that depends on the way

她答 那要看是哪条路

I guess we never really had that much in common

我想 我们从来没有那么多共同点

‘Cept the days the nights and the cold

除了共度白天 黑夜与寒冷

And though we don’t really talk about it often


The fear of this getting old


You didn’t listen when I told you I’m no dancer

我说我不会跳舞 那时你走了神

Now I dance alone all the time


In the same room where I learned about the cancer


And you just held your head to mine

而你我依偎着 头靠在一起

And you said so do you ever wanna leave here

你问 你想不想离开这里

And I said well that depends on the day

我答 那要看是哪一天

And you said oh do you even wanna be here

你问 你到底想不想待在这里

And I said well that depends on the way

我答 那要看是哪条路

标签: Fenne Lily
查看歌手音乐: Fenne Lily