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Leona Lewis 《Happy》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

A(瓦匠砖) 1秒前

someone once told me有人曾告诉我that you have to choose你必须抉择what you win or lose无论输或赢you cant have everything你不能拥有一切dont you take chances你有没有抓住机会you might feel the pain你也许感到痛苦dont you love in vain觉得一切都是徒劳cause love wont set you free因为爱是克制i could stand by the side我可以当个旁观者and watch this life pass me by看着时光流逝so unhappy but safe as could be好像只有接受现实so what if it hurts me倘若会受伤so what if i break down倘若会沮丧so what if this world just throws me off the edge倘若世界一心想挑战我的极限my feet run out of ground我感觉自己脱离了现实i gotta find my place我不过是想有一席之地i wanna hear my sound我不过是想顺从内心dont care about other pain infront of me眼前困难重重cause im just tryna be happy yea只要快乐就好just wanna be happy yea只要快乐就好holding on tightly我紧紧抓住just cant let it go不让它溜走just tryna play my roll努力扮演好自己的角色slowly diasappear oooh所有的眼泪well all these tears逐渐消失不见they feel like theyre the same人各有志just different faces different names只是路途不一样get me outta here让我挣脱束缚吧well i can stand by the side我可以庸庸碌碌and watch this life pass me by过一天pass me by是一天so what if it hurts me倘若会受伤so what if i break down倘若会沮丧so what if this world just throws me off the edge倘若世界一心想挑战我的极限my feet run out of ground我感觉自己脱离了现实i gotta find my place我不过是想有一席之地i wanna hear my sound不过想听从内心的呼喊dont care about other pain infront of me眼前困难重重cause im just tryna be happy只要快乐就好oooh happy只要快乐就好so any turns that i cant see其他的我都视而不见ill count a stranger on this road我只会越来越坚强but don t say victim别说我是牺牲品dont say anything什么都别说so what if it hurts me倘若会受伤so what if i break down倘若会沮丧so what if this world just throws me off the edge倘若世界一心想挑战我的极限my feet run out of ground我已脱离现实i gotta find my place想到了归宿i wanna hear my sound呼喊越来越强烈dont care about all the pain infront of me什么都阻挡不了我im just wanna be happy我只要快乐i just wanna be一切真的不重要i just wanna be happy除了快乐

标签: Leona Lewis