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Cascada 《San Francisco》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

『~稀飯~』 1秒前
San Francisco - Cascada
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 San Francisco Cascada

I ll take you back to 1965让我带你回到1969年Let s hit the city of freedom like old times抵达曾经的自由之城It s getting dirty Underneath the blue sky只是而今没有往日那么纯净Imagine you and me count the butterflies试想我们一起数着蝴蝶One two three Let s bring it on一二三 跟我走Keep on dancing in the streets of love在充满爱的街道上起舞French kissing on JFK drive Till we crash at the beach Where we watch the sun rise在车上来个法式湿吻 到了海滩上 就看看日出Tell me what you waiting for你还等待什么We re crossing the golden gate Party at the frisco bay穿过金门大桥 聚会在旧金山海岸Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我We knew the power is in your head girl Party everywhere girl我们知道你体内的能量 四处狂欢吧I Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我Where the love is in the air All the people stop and stare空气中弥漫着爱 引人驻目Baby take me back to the city of love把我带回这爱之城吧To the place that I ve been dreaming of去到我魂牵梦绕的地方Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我It s 10 pm Getting ready for the night晚上十点了 夜晚正式开始Wanna be a hippie when the city s getting high想变成嬉皮和这城市躁起来I m cruising down broadway you on my side你在我旁边和我在街道上游走Pulling over my pink rover at the hungry eye把路虎开到一边 给这些饥渴的人让道One two three Let s bring it on Dj play my favorite beats一二三 一起来 舞曲要我最爱的节奏All night long一整夜Poppin some bottles champagne red wine And we both giddy up on the rooftop And watch the city lights酒要满杯 趁醉攀上屋顶 看城市的灯火Tell me what you waiting for你还等待什么We re crossing the golden gate Party at the frisco bay穿过金门大桥 聚会在旧金山海岸Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我We knew the power is in your head girl Party everywhere girl我们知道你体内的能量 四处狂欢吧Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我Where the love is in the air All the people stop and stare空气中弥漫着爱 引人驻目Baby take me back to the city of love把我带回这爱之城吧To the place that I ve been dreaming of去到我魂牵梦绕的地方Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我We re playing songs of life Like it s 69奏响生命之曲 跟在1969年一样We singing dance under the sun rise在日出下载歌载舞Stars shine so bright on the city tonight夜空的星星如此明亮We re crossing the golden gate Party at the frisco bay穿过金门大桥 聚会在旧金山海岸Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我We knew the power is in your head girl Party everywhere girl我们知道你体内的能量 四处狂欢吧Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我Where the love is in the air All the people stop and stare空气中弥漫着爱 引人驻目Baby take me back to the city of love把我带回这爱之城吧To the place that I ve been dreaming of去到我魂牵梦绕的地方Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我C mon take me back to the city of love把我带回这爱之城吧To the place that I ve been dreaming of去到我魂牵梦绕的地方I Wake me up in San Francisco到了旧金山叫醒我

标签: Cascada
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