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良辰 婚礼

Jason Mraz 《Curbside Prophet》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

良辰 婚礼 4分钟前

I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者With my hand in my pocket将手插在口袋里And I'm waiting for my rocket to come我等待着我的时机到来I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者With my hand in my pocket将手插在口袋里And I'm waiting for my rocket  ya'll我等待着我的时机到来Y'see it started way back in nyc你看它开始返回纽约When i stole my first rhyme from the m i c 当我第一次歌唱At a west end avenue at 63那时我在63号伦敦西区大道The beginning of a leap year  february  '96那是96年闰年2月的开始With a guitar picked up in the mix拿着吉他混着声音I committed to the licks like a nickel bag of tricks我专心弹奏 用各种技巧Well look at me now现在看看我Look at me now现在看看我Look at me now  now  now  now现在看看我I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者With my hand in my pocket将手插在口袋里And i'm waiting for my rocket to come我等待着我的时机到来I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者With my hand in my pocket将手插在口袋里And i'm waiting for my rocket  ya'll我等待着我的时机到来Well you're never gonna guess你永远都别想着猜测Where i've been been been我去过的每一处And i have no regrets我都没有遗憾That i bet my whole checking account我敢说我的账户余额不多Because it all amounts to nothing up in the end因为这一切到最后都没有意义Well you can only count on the road again你只能指望再次表演We'll soon be on the radio dial我们很快就会在广播上歌唱And i been payin close attention to the willie nelson style我一直密切关注威利纳尔逊的风格Like a band of gypsies on the highway while像一群在高速公路上的吉普赛人I'm one man pushin' on the california skyline drive我独自行驶在加州的天际线上 Up the coast I brag and I boast行驶在海岸我吹嘘我自夸I 'm pickin up my pace and makin time like space ghost我加快步伐 像精灵一样穿越宇宙Raising a toast to the highway patrol with the most与公路巡警干杯Put my cruise control's on coast乘船靠近海岸Cuz i'm tourin' around the nation on extended vacation see因为我有很长的假期去环游各地I got Elsa the dog who exceeds my limitationElsa挑战了我的极限I say  "i like your style  crazy pound pup 我说 我喜欢你的风格 疯狂舞动吧You need a ride  [*woof*]你需要搭车吗Well come on  girl  hop in the truck "来吧 女孩 跳上车I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者With my hand in my pocket将手插在口袋里And i'm waiting for my rocket to come我等待着我的时机到来I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者With my hand in my pocket将手插在口袋里And i'm waiting for my rocket  ya'll我等待着我的时机到来I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者With my hand in my pocket将手插在口袋里And i'm waiting for my rocket to come on我等待着我的时机到来 I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者With my hand in my pocket将手插在口袋里And i'm waiting for my rocket  ya'll我等待着我的时机到来See i'm a down home brother  redneck undercover我来自美国南部 是个乡下人With my guitar here带着我的吉他I'm ready to play准备好弹奏And i'm s a sucker for a filly我喜欢活泼的小姑娘Got a natural ability I'm geared to freestyle唱歌是我的天赋 我喜欢随心所欲Look at my flexibility看看我的灵活性Dangerous at the mike可以挑战麦克My ghetto hat's cocked right我将破旧的帽子歪斜地戴着The ladies say  "yo  that kid is crazy"那女士说 你很疯狂The backstage betties taking more than they can get后台的贝蒂得到的比他们的都多They say  "what's up with m-r-a-z "他们说 怎么了Hey  hey  something's different in my world today今天在我的世界有点不同Well they changed my traffic sign to a brighter yellow他们将交通标志改为亮黄色Hey  hey  something's different in my world today今天在我的世界有点不同They changed my traffic sign to a brighter yellow他们将交通标志改为亮黄色I'm just a curbside prophet我只是个路边预言者Curbside prophet now路边预言者Curbside prophet now路边预言者Curbside路边预言者Come on  now来吧Curbside prohet路边预言者Waiting for my rocket to come   我等待着我的时机到来

标签: Jason Mraz