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t.A.T.u. 《30 Minutes》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

逍遥无涯 0分钟前
30 Minutes - t.A.T.u.
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 30 Minutes t.A.T.u.

Out of sight, out of mind视线模糊 心情混乱Out of time to decide没时间了 该怎么办Do we run? should I hide末路狂飙吗 就此消失吗For the rest of my life我还有下半辈子吗Can we fly? do we stay?一起走吗 独自留下We could lose we could fail我们应该玩完了 我们应该全毁了And the more minutes take随着分秒,渐渐流逝To make planer, or mistakes我们要把握未来,或是犯下错误30 minutes, the blink of the night30分钟一眨眼就没了30 minutes to alter our lifes30分钟一辈子就毁了30 minutes to make up my mind30分钟下个决定30 minutes to finally decide30分钟做出最后决定30 minutes to whisper your name30分钟都是你的名字30 minutes to shelter the blame30分钟承担所有过错30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies30分钟的狂喜和30个美丽谎言30 minutes to finally decide30分钟做出最后决定Carousels in the sky旋转木马高挂在天上That we shape with our eyes是我们用双眼所编织的想象Under shade silhouettes casting螫伏在阴影的黑色轮廓Shapes crying rain所投掷出的哭泣雨滴中Can we fly do I stay一起走吗 独自留下We could lose, we could fail我们应该玩完了 我们应该全毁了Either way, options change不同的决定 结局也会不同Chances fail, trains derail.运气是一时的 否则也会失败30 minutes, the blink of the night30分钟一眨眼就没了30 minutes to all of our lifes30分钟一辈子就毁了30 minutes to make up my mind30分钟下个决定30 minutes to finally decide30分钟做出最后决定30 minutes to whisper your name30分钟都是你的名字30 minutes to show her the blame30分钟承担所有过错30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies30分钟的狂喜和30个美丽谎言30 minutes to finally decide30分钟做出最后决定To decide, to decide to decide to decide最后决定 最后决定 最后决定

标签: tATu
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