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ξ  爱海浮沉

Beatrich 《Priceless》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

ξ 爱海浮沉 0分钟前
Priceless - Beatrich
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Priceless Beatrich

if you look inside the waves, the waves , so cool我的世界色彩斑斓Your eyes so blue and deeper than the ocean会让你赞叹不已of the moon the moon so blue你的双眼比海洋更湛蓝深邃can I come inside when all the humans are on dope如水中映月can I come inside with all the cash I took from home人们还在沉醉 清醒的我能进去吗can I come inside and know that it will be okay我能带着家里的钱进去吗can I come inside and show you all the brightness我能去看看是否一切安好吗(I make myself so priceless)我可以来给你献上光明吗I gave you something priceless我成就了自己I make myself so priceless别走开 抱紧我don't get get way just hold on hold to me我成就了自己I make myself so priceless别走开 抱紧我I need you the most just hold on hold on to me你的皮肤和抚摸给我力量I make myself so priceless当我需要战斗的时候let's get get way I'll hold on hold on to you一步一步来 这只是一个小小的测试Your skin and touch gives energy to me一次 不对 是两次when I feel like I need to fight人们还在沉醉 清醒的我能进去吗Step in, Step out it's just tiny trick to fool我能带着家里的钱进去吗once not once, but twice我能去看看是否一切安好吗you're hot but no offence aaa我可以来给你献上光明吗I don't need you for defence我成就了自己You can count me aoooh oh别走开 抱紧我no more jelousy我成就了自己

标签: Beatrich
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