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MADILYN 《Mad World》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Mad World - MADILYN
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Mad World MADILYN

All around me are familiar faces熟悉面庞身边相傍Worn-out places, worn-out faces如常境地 无奇面孔Bright and early for their daily races晨光之时启步逐梦Going nowhere, going nowhere无处可投 毫无方向Their tears are filling up their glasses眼眶浸满泪水No expression, no expression一言一语 难以脱口Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow想要匿迹人群 陷入独自的忧伤No tomorrow, no tomorrow不见天日And I find it kind of funny寻及此外的无意I find it kind of sad顿时忧伤难已The dreams in which I'm dying将自己溺目其中的梦想Are the best I've ever had或许便是我能依托的一切I find it hard to tell you难以言述I find it hard to take无可释然When people run in circles人来人往It's a very, very实属Mad world失调世界Mad world令人抓狂Children waiting for the day they feel good孩子们切待喜乐之日Happy birthday, happy birthday或是生日之时And to feel the way that every child should感受切实的童真Sit and listen, sit and listen安静独坐 悄然倾听I Went to school and I was very nervous走进学校 慌张不已No one knew me, no one knew me无人知晓 无顾独行Hello, teacher, tell me what's my lesson这真是我必经之课Look right through me, look right through me切实看清自我And I find it kind of funny寻及此外的无意I find it kind of sad顿时忧伤难已The dreams in which I'm dying将自己溺目其中的梦想Are the best I've ever had或许便是我能依托的一切I find it hard to tell you难以言述I find it hard to take无可释然When people run in circles人来人往It's a very very实属Mad world失调世界Mad world令人抓狂Mad world失调世界Mad world令人抓狂

标签: Madilyn