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ヤ语丶过 添 情〝

HyperSlash 《Lucky Lucky Honey》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

ヤ语丶过 添 情〝 1分钟前

What did you have for breakfast this morning?你早上吃了什么早餐?I want honey,bee我想吃蜜糖呢,小蜜蜂Don’t you know?你知道吗?The only reason for being a bee is to make honey小蜜蜂作为小蜜蜂存在的唯一理由就是生产蜂蜜So I can eat it然后我就有蜂蜜吃了嘟~嘟~嘟~嘟~嘟~嘟~嘟~嘟~Don’t be stingy!不要吝啬!Don’t be shy!不要害羞!Share will make the world sweet!分享能让这个世界更甜蜜!It is depressed enough to live all by yourself一个人生活真的是足够无聊的了When you come to this place you can stay (for) a while你来到这里可以多待一会儿Let me tell some funny stories for your anxiety让我讲一些有趣的故事安抚你的不安I don’t want any of my friends feel lonely我可不希望我的朋友感觉孤独It is heart-warming when I know you’re care for me当我发现你也关心我的时候我觉得心很暖Can I be your friend?我可以成为你的朋友吗?Let me get some lucky honey from (the) honey tree for you让我给你从蜂蜜树上拿一些幸运蜂蜜给你There are many ways for you to make it for me你要生产蜂蜜给我有很多种方式哦The lucky honeyMy lucky beeIf you ask me why you如果你要问我为什么一定要是你Because I am hungry那是因为我饿了啊Oh lucky lucky honeyLucky lucky honeyLucky lucky honeyLucky luckyCan’t believe that someone deny the strength of lucky honey不能相信那些否定幸运蜂蜜力量的人It is the most magical thing幸运蜂蜜是最有魔力的东西Like Cinderella’s fairy godmother就像灰姑娘的仙子教母Possess magical powers to make you happiness拥有让你幸福的魔法一样Also cure your pain它能治愈你的伤痛Wo-o-oI remember the first time we met我记得我们第一次见面的时候We found the magical lucky lucky honey我们发现了幸运蜂蜜Lucky lucky honeyLucky lucky honeyLucky lucky honeyAnd I stubbornly believe that lucky honey而我坚定地相信幸运蜂蜜Will not only be experienced once in our life不会只在我们的生命中出现一次Even if I am so bad to you就算我对待你不好And you can not stand it而你也忍受不了了But I don’t feel sorry但是我不会觉得抱歉I think it is so sweet我觉得那很甜蜜As long as you tell me that you’re hungry只要你跟我说你饿了I will give you all I have我会给你我所有的东西Wow-o-o-oYour hungry is not allow!你是不被允许饿着的哦!

标签: HyperSlash
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