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Patti Smith 《After the Gold Rush》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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After the Gold Rush - Patti Smith
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  1. 1 After the Gold Rush Patti Smith

Well, I dreamed I saw the knights In armor coming我梦见一群骑士披盔戴甲而来Saying something about a queen谈论着一些关于女王的事There were peasants singing农民扯着嗓子唱着号子And Drummers drumming鼓手一边打着鼓应和And the archer split the tree弓箭手射中树桩There was a fanfare blowing晨号吹起To the sun that was floating on the breeze朝向天边外微风中冉冉浮现的日头Look at Mother Nature on the run in the nineteen seventies看啊 二十世纪七十年代的大自然生生不息Look at Mother Nature on the run in the nineteen seventies看啊 二十世纪七十年代的大自然生生不息Well, I dreamed I saw the silver space ships梦中我看见一艘银色的飞船Flying in the yellow haze of the sun漂浮在夕阳残照下的薄雾中There were children crying童稚的哭声飘荡一片And colors flying缤纷的纤尘飞扬All around the chosen one包围着满载期待的人All in a dream, all in a dream一切都是梦,一切只是梦The loading had begun银色飞船就要飞升太空Flying Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun带着大自然的萌芽,飞赴在太阳上的新居Flying Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home带着大自然的萌芽,飞往下一个落脚点Look at Mother Nature on the run看呐 伤痕累累的大自然母亲In the twenty-first century流亡在二十一世纪Look at Mother Nature on the run看呐 伤痕累累的大自然母亲In the twenty-first century流亡在二十一世纪(合唱)Look at Mother Nature on the run看呐 伤痕累累的大自然母亲In the twenty-first century流亡在二十一世纪

标签: Patti Smith
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