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AURORA 《The Seed》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

忘川之上,桑梓之下 0分钟前
The Seed - AURORA
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  1. 1 The Seed AURORA

Just like the seed就像是一粒种子那样I don't know where to go我不知我将要去向何方Through dirt and shadow I grow我在阴影与泥泞之中生长I'm reaching light through the struggle我挣扎着渴望得到阳光的抚慰Just like the seed宛若一粒小小的种子I'm chasing the wonder我在追寻奇迹的路上I unravel myself我在琢磨着我的内心All in slow motion一点一点,慢慢探寻You cannot eat money, oh no钱乃身外之物You cannot eat money, oh no钱非汝之全部When the last tree has fallen当世上的最后一棵树轰然倒下And the rivers are poisoned当世上所有溪水河流尽成毒药You cannot eat money, oh no钱还能有什么用呢You cannot eat money, oh no别被金钱迷了眼You cannot eat money, oh no别被金钱乱了心When the last tree has fallen当世上的最后一棵树轰然倒下And the rivers are poisoned当世上所有溪水河流尽成毒药You cannot eat money oh, no, oh, no钱还能有什么用呢Suffocate me这让我感到窒息无助So my tears can be rain若我的眼泪可以变成磅礴大雨I will water the ground where I stand那便可灌溉我走过的每寸土地So the flowers can grow back again所以花儿可以重新舒展开花瓣'Cause just like the seed就像是一粒新生的种子Everything wants to live世间万物皆有生之欲望We are burning our fingers我们在慢慢杀死自己But we learn and forget但我们学会麻木,学会遗忘You cannot eat money, oh no钱乃身外之物You cannot eat money, oh no钱非汝之全部When the last tree has fallen当世上的最后一棵树轰然倒下And the rivers are poisoned当世上所有溪水河流尽成毒药You cannot eat money, oh no钱还能有什么用呢You cannot eat money, oh no别被金钱迷了眼You cannot eat money, oh no别被金钱乱了心When the last tree has fallen当世上的最后一棵树轰然倒下And the rivers are poisoned当世上所有溪水河流尽成毒药You cannot eat money, oh no, oh, no钱还能有什么用呢Feed me sunlight, feed me air阳光与空气予我命运Feed me truth and feed me prayer经文与真理随我生长Feed me sunlight, feed me air阳光与空气予我命运Feed me truth and feed me prayers经文与真理随我生长You cannot eat money, oh no钱乃身外之物You cannot eat money, oh no钱非汝之全部When the last tree has fallen当世上的最后一棵树轰然倒下And the rivers are poisoned当世上所有溪水河流尽成毒药You cannot eat money, oh no钱还能有什么用呢You cannot eat money, oh no别被金钱迷了眼You cannot eat money, oh no别被金钱乱了心When the last tree has fallen当世上的绿荫消失不见And the rivers are poisoned当清澈的河流再无发现You cannot eat money, oh no, oh, no金钱如同废纸,人类也将灰飞烟灭

查看歌手音乐: AURORA
 AURORA 《Heathens》[MP3-320K/8.6M]