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月光  久违的笑

Robert Cray 《Smoking Gun》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

月光 久违的笑 0分钟前

I get a constant busy signal当我打电话给你When I call you on the phone我又听到了经常性的忙音I get a strong uneasy feeling我有一种强烈的紧张感觉Youve not sitting there alone你还没有独自坐在那里Im having nasty nasty visions我眼前出现了让人讨厌的幻觉And baby youve in every one每个人似乎都变成了你And Im so afraid Im gonna find you with而我是如此害怕我将要发现你The so-called smoking gun和那所谓的确凿的证据Maybe you want to end it也许你想要结束这一切You had your fill of my telephone你不停的给我打电话But you dont know how to tell me但是你却不知道该怎么对我说And you know that Im not that dumb你知道我不是那么沉默寡言的人I put two and one together and我做出了我自己的判断We know thats not an even sum我们知道那甚至都不能算是什么结果And I know just where to catch you with而且我知道怎么得到你That well known smoking gun还有那谁都知道的确凿证据Im standing here bewildered我不知所措的站在那里I cant remembered just what I done我甚至都记不得我刚刚做了什么I can hear the sirens whining我能听到汽笛声响My eyes blinded by the sun太阳灼伤了我的眼睛I know that I should be running我知道我应该赶快逃离My hearts beating just like a drum我的心脏像鼓一样的跳动Now theyre knock me down and taken it现在他们打倒了我然后拿走了The still hot smoking gun那平静又热烈的确凿证据

标签: Robert Cray
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