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Buttons_巴顿 《破衬衫》[FLAC/MP3-320K]


I guess I will see you SundayBut why we meeting on a MondayI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI guess I will see you SundayBut why we meeting on a MondayI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI dress da freaking bad bad shirtWhich one is your faceWhich one is your faithWhich one is your faceWhich one is your faith记得那天外面下着细雨窗边灰蒙蒙的天气我不能对你总是犹豫现在起It's freaking new me该忘的总会记起但该说的成为秘密其实没有不公平是期待的太刻意幻想着不再老去但活着也失去兴趣倒下时才倾听你在内心的声音路灯和月光的际遇你和我注定的命运或许在某年某月某日某刻独处时泛滥的情绪在夜晚被窝的抽泣或许也像她像他像你像我I guess I will see you SundayBut why we meeting on a MondayI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI guess I will see you SundayBut why we meeting on a MondayI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI dress da freaking bad bad shirt我们都在努力冲散那些不成文的规定不如就丢掉所有羁绊只留下心的声音别后退Let it go awayYou don't worry babe只要我在你的周围看谁敢把爱摧毁Ed to the ing梦到的画面逐渐清晰忽略那些小分歧美好都得经过旖旎没寄的情愫有多少烂在了抽屉还好在人海之中还是找到了你I guess I will see you SundayBut why we meeting on a MondayI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI guess I will see you SundayBut why we meeting on a MondayI dress da freaking bad bad shirtI dress da freaking bad bad shirt

标签: 巴顿
查看歌手音乐: Buttons_巴顿