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良辰 婚礼

Mighty Mo Rodgers 《The Boy Who Stole the Blues》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

良辰 婚礼 0分钟前

Wear the smittin' and reality begin带着暴击,现实开始了Between rock and roll or the heart摇滚乐和心脏之间Blesses are the blooms现在祝福刚刚好People try to warn him人们试着警告他Don't go where 'cross those tracks不要走那些没人走过的小径He said bloomers overact但他说这些所谓的过来人太过分了The street train will ring me back大家都走过的那些马路会让他绕回来的Now he sing with passion现在他热情地歌唱Once he got those blues一旦他学会了布鲁斯音乐Shake it off fifties像50年代的人一样摇摆Breakin' all the rules打破所有的规则Either for started blues也为了让布鲁斯音乐得到发展And the blues laid him paid布鲁斯音乐俘虏了他That's in baby part his hand还是孩童时,他的手里Wrap this tash she don't play握着这个她不演奏的小胡子She don't play她不会演奏的The blues people you know they share their magic in你知道那些玩布鲁斯的人会展示它们的魔力But it never did return no但他们永远不会放弃That's why they got so it这就是为什么他们会掌握它He went up to the mountain in Memphis他爬上孟菲斯的一座山And record all the label concern并记下所有关注的唱片公司Yes he did是的,他这样做了Maybe so it's so hot可能是太紧迫了You know he came and down他起起落落Listen people听人们说He's the boy who stole the blues他就是那个悄悄在玩了布鲁斯音乐的男孩And the blues made him play布鲁斯让他开始演奏It's a fave that part as in这是一份热爱Wrap this tash she don't play部分是因为拥有了她不会演奏的小胡子She don't play她不会演奏的Talkin' 'bout the boy who stole the blue谈论着那个偷偷在做了布鲁斯音乐的男孩And every body want to know 'bout the news每个人都想知道那个消息Talkin 'bout the boy who stole the blue谈论着那个偷偷做了布鲁斯音乐的男孩Every body know you got to pay your dues每个人都知道你必须要交会费Tell the truth讲真Some teach him crow教会他欢呼的东西Made him the king of rock and roll让他成为了摇滚之王And if there have to be a king如果一定要有个王It would have been a block month last man show人们肯定会争着展示整整一个月Well these are new for certain这对大家来说肯定是新鲜的The black bamboo is the blues那支黑色的竹子就是布鲁斯音乐Well he took a plane from here他从这里撘飞机走了Have you heard the news你听说了吗He's a boy who stole the blues他就是那个偷偷在做了布鲁斯音乐的男孩Yes he win across the tracks是的,他从那些没人走的小径里出来了And wordy wrote the code传言被编成了准则He came back sound and black他安然无恙地回来了He's a boy who stole the blues他就是那个偷偷在做了布鲁斯音乐的男孩And the blues made him pay布鲁斯音乐让他付出了很多It's a fave that part as in yeah这是一种热爱,同样,Wrap this tash she don't play部分是因为拥有她不会演奏的小胡子She don't play hey嘿嘿,她不会演奏Talkin 'bout the boy who stole the blues人们谈论着那个偷偷在做布鲁斯音乐的男孩Talkin 'bout the boy who stole the fan for you人们谈论着那个偷布偷在做鲁斯音乐的男孩Talkin 'bout the boy who stole the truth谈论着那个打破真理的男孩Talkin 'bout the boy who stole the blues讨论着那个偷偷在做布鲁斯音乐的男孩Just like jackie could call the line就像夹克衫可以讨论麻布一样Two three in the middle of the numb the blues少数人在麻木中醒悟过来Talkin 'bout the boy who stole the blues谈论着那个偷偷在做布鲁斯音乐的男孩Everybody knows you've got to pay your dues每个人都知道你必须要交会费Talkin 'bout the boy who stole the blues讨论着那个偷偷在做布鲁斯音乐的男孩Blues don't play布鲁斯不可以演奏No, blues don't play是的,不可以演奏布鲁斯

标签: Mighty Mo Rodgers
查看歌手音乐: Mighty Mo Rodgers