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Clannad 《I Will Find You》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

秦洋 35分钟前

Hope is your survival你活着就是我的希望A captive path I lead我引领着的一条被俘虏的路径No matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你If it takes a long long time即使这会使我的生命走向尽头No matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你If it takes a thousand years即使这会用上千万年的时间NachgochemaAnetahaAnachemowaganNo matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你In the place with no frontiers即使这片天地没有尽头No matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你If it takes a thousand years即使这会用上千万年的时间No matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你If it takes a long long time即使这会使我的生命走向尽头No matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你If it takes a thousand years即使这会用上千万年的时间No matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你In the place with no frontiers即使这片天地没有尽头No matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你If it takes a thousand years即使这会用上千万年的时间No matter where you go无论你去往何处I will find you我都会找到你

标签: Clannad
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