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FLY COAST 二宮愛 《It's Alright》[FLAC/MP3-320K]


Let it go it's not hard忘了吧 没那么难What you have done你做过的事情Is done无法逆转Let the world spin顺其自然吧And you'll be fine你会没事的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Show me your scar让我看看你的伤疤I'll cure我会让它愈合Don't you feel insecure不要觉得不安Tomorrow will come明天终将到来No matter what it's alright不管怎样 没关系的Tomorrow's on rise明天的太阳即将升起It's a new day a new beginnig新的一天 新的开始It's time we follow a new way我们该踏上新的旅程And start winning走上胜利之路'Cause the way we living因为我们的生活Is never gonna be easy for us不可能一帆风顺We gotta get it我们必须明白这一点It's never gonna be given to us我们得到的一切都是有代价的To those that don't believe那些不相信的人Step back and listen退后 听好了As I rock the beat让我随着节拍摇摆Get off your booty别再坐着了And get on your feet给我站起来Just dance to the rhythm随着节拍舞动Don't it sound so sweet这不是很美妙的事情吗On and on and on一往无前To another day迈向明天Gotta keep moving on必须继续前进There ain't no other way没有其他办法Yesterday is a place where you don't wanna stay你不愿回想昨日时光Must'a treated you so wrong那时候你肯定很煎熬That you don't wanna stay所以你才不愿回首Now as you walk the streets现在你漫步街头Just stick to yourself坚持自我吧You don't wanna speak你不想说话I understand you我理解你I just wish you'd see我只希望你明白That things gonna be better明天会更好If you just believe只要你相信Let it go it's not hard忘了吧 没那么难What you have done你做过的事情Is done无法逆转Let the world spin顺其自然吧And you'll be fine你会没事的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Show me your scar让我看看你的伤疤I'll cure我会让它愈合Don't you feel insecure不要觉得不安Tomorrow will come明天终将到来No matter what it's alright it's alright不管怎样 没关系的I'm feeling well我感觉很快乐Now that I follow my own dream因为我现在可以追寻梦想Born to be wild生来就自由不羁Score one for the home team在我的主场 必定胜利There was a while I was feeling so lonely曾经有一段时间我感觉好孤单Hard for me to smile脸上难见笑容It was killing me slowly我简直生不如死Until I sparked the change直到我做出了改变That one fateful day在那改变命运的一天When my thoughts became real我的想法变成了现实Instead of labeling myself to blame不再责怪自己Stand up to the drama勇敢面对悲伤Time to stop the pain uh从此不再痛苦Sweet sweet sweet多么美好As the summer breeze如同夏日微风I'm feeling like the whole universe我感觉整个宇宙Is in love with me都爱着我And they can never get enough of me他们都爱得不能自拔Now instead of running away现在我不再逃避I let it run to me而是勇敢面对Not in my wildest dreams就算在我最疯狂的梦中Could I ever imagine我也无法想象I'd rise to be我竟然能够如此优秀Up in the clouds is a light that beams乌云之中 透着一丝光亮Right down直射大地The sunshine is reminding me阳光在提醒我Let it go it's not hard忘了吧 没那么难What you have done你做过的事情Is done无法逆转Let the world spin顺其自然吧And you'll be fine你会没事的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Show me your scar让我看看你的伤疤I'll cure我会让它愈合Don't you feel insecure不要觉得不安Tomorrow will come明天终将到来No matter what it's alright不管怎样 没关系的It's alright没事的Sometimes you just have to know that有时候你要知道There's a rainy day人生难免遇到阴雨天Where you have to get all wet你会被暴雨浇透全身And catch a little cold甚至因此感冒一场That's how you'll become但你终将变成A better person更好的自己Don't you know你不知道吗Don't you know你不知道吗Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Someday you will stop growing有一天你将不再需要Against your own will you know违背自己的意愿 你知道的'Til that day we must keep trying在那天到来之前 我们决不能放弃That's our privilege那是我们的荣耀If you're haunted by your past如果你的过去让你痛苦不堪Then try even harder那就付出更多努力You can get over你可以撑过去You will be wiser你会更有智慧Let it go it's not hard忘了吧 没那么难What you have done你做过的事情Is done无法逆转Let the world spin顺其自然吧And you'll be fine你会没事的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Show me your scar让我看看你的伤疤I'll cure我会让它愈合Don't you feel insecure不要觉得不安Tomorrow will come明天终将到来No matter what it's alright不管怎样 没关系的It's alright没事的Let it go it's not hard忘了吧 没那么难What you have done你做过的事情Is done无法逆转Let the world spin顺其自然吧And you'll be fine你会没事的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Baby it's alright宝贝 没关系的Show me your scar让我看看你的伤疤I'll cure我会让它愈合Don't you feel insecure不要觉得不安Tomorrow will come明天终将到来No matter what it's alright不管怎样 没关系的It's alright没事的

标签: 二宮愛 FLY COAST
查看歌手音乐: FLY COAST 二宮愛