All these girls they come for you(纵有莺燕环绕)They will never see the goods(却无一人知你好)长夜春风吹乱梦眉间蜜语瞒不住灵魂从不穿外衣神明也为之诧异从未见过如此这般美景Show me you mind and body(不必向我隐藏 你的身 你的心)忘记天使的叮咛大地自有办法聚合缘因七情六欲反正难舍不如痛快体会它个透彻All these girls they come for you(纵有莺燕环绕)They will never see the goods(却无一人知你好)长夜春风吹乱梦眉间蜜语瞒不住苦海 哪里是苦海When love comes in a suprise(当缘分悄然袭来)怎会记得不过又是戏一段Show me your sin and mercy(不必向我隐藏 你的罪孽 你的慈悲)忘记清规和戒律反正人生不过大梦一场All these boys they come for you(纵有慕者环绕)They will never see the goods(却无一人知你好)长夜春风吹乱梦眉间蜜语瞒不住