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凯瑟喵 《Ocean》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

f. 1小时前
Ocean - 凯瑟喵
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Ocean 凯瑟喵

只不过是散落碎片拼凑出夜晚反复写着几个字的我才会存在于某个瞬间某一个画面再重叠偶尔期待着故事出现浪漫情节大多苦恼如何不会虚度过一天窗台堆积着谁寄来的信件如果不能够安慰疲惫就交还给时间Your teardrops color me blueLet me hug you and dissolveWe` re like the sunset looking for the oceanYour teardrops color me blueLet me hug you and dissolveWe` re like the sunset looking for the ocean清晨短暂地迷恋起苹果和树叶它是否能替代我在梦中与你相见与你辗转随风向上盘旋直到每一个夏日的终结Your teardrops color me blueLet me hug you and dissolveWe` re like the sunset looking for the oceanYour teardrops color me blueLet me hug you and dissolveWe` re like the sunset looking for the ocean怎么发梢遮住你惺忪睡眼覆盖了皮肤融化在湖水此刻依然无法分辨日出还是日落时染红的地平线也许这一刻会定格也许会沉淀就这样吧我们拥抱亲吻坠入深蓝色海洋里溶解等到达尽头再微笑着告别Your teardrops color me blueLet me hug you and dissolveWe` re like the sunset looking for the oceanYour teardrops color me blueLet me hug you and dissolveWe` re like the sunset looking for the ocean…

标签: 凯瑟喵