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吉克隽逸 《Power to Forgive + Looking For Trouble (Live)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Power to Forgive + Looking For Trouble (Live) - 吉克隽逸
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  1. 1 Power to Forgive + Looking For Trouble (Live) 吉克隽逸

漆黑眼睛 吞掉秘密鲜艳火种 藏进身体黑色头发 卷起砂砾I’m not insane(我没有疯)I’m not insane(我没有疯)柔软的兽 奔跑不停美丽日出 就要来临做你的神 站上流星I’m not insane(我没有疯)I’m not insane(我没有疯)滚烫曲调谁唱谁和要你着魔 燃起了火龙卷风也开出花朵盛放祝贺 披上漂亮外壳All fatal memories(致命的回忆)Are tortured out of me(翻涌肆虐)Feels like a mortal combat(像一场终极战役)Don’t want no anxious dreams(逃离焦虑的梦境)Don’t need no enemies(我们不是敌人)I don’t want you to come back(我不要你的臣服)漆黑眼睛 吞掉秘密鲜艳火种 藏进身体黑色头发 卷起砂砾I’m not insane(我没有疯)I’m not insane(我没有疯)柔软的兽 奔跑不停美丽日出 就要来临做你的神 站上流星I’m not insane(我没有疯)I’m not insane(我没有疯)滚烫曲调谁唱谁和要你着魔 燃起了火龙卷风也开出花朵盛放祝贺 披上漂亮外壳All fatal memories(致命的回忆)Are tortured out of me(翻涌肆虐)Feels like a mortal combat(像一场终极战役)Don’t want no anxious dreams(逃离焦虑的梦境)Don’t need no enemies(我们不是敌人)I don’t want you to come back(我不要你的臣服)All I want is the power to forgive(我想要原谅的能力)All I want is the power to forgive(我想要原谅的能力)All I want is the power to forgive(我想要原谅的能力)All I want is the power to forgive(我想要原谅的能力)You’re looking for trouble(你在自寻烦恼)You’re looking for trouble(你在自寻烦恼)You’re looking for(你在寻找)You’re looking for trouble(你在自寻烦恼)You’re looking for trouble(你在自寻烦恼)You’re looking for trouble(你在自寻烦恼)